At Welzijn Diemen, you can participate in fun, sporting, creative and educational activities with other Diemenians. That's now more than 400 a month. And that number continues to grow. They also help Diemenians who could use a helping hand. It's a place for advice and action, to discover, chill, get fit and grow. In short: a place for and with each other.
a diemen where everyone fully participates in life
How can we reach and support even more Diemenians in the coming years? And how do we best match the range of activities and services to this?

from substantive complexity to clear simplicity
Welzijn Diemen offers a wide range of products. So broad that it is not yet clear to all Diemenians exactly what Welzijn Diemen does and whether that is interesting for them. To improve that, it was decided to communicate in the renewed positioning from 5 comprehensive sub-labels.
The content complexity of each label has been translated into its own simply presented appearance that stands out in communication. With this strategy, we speak and interest a wider target group. Accessibility, familiarity and continuity are essential here.
digital as a primary channel to get those people moving offline
Because Welzijn Diemen affects a wider target group, it is important that the website exudes both reliability and humanity. It is a target group that does not always get along with digital easily. Functionalities such as a search and sorting filter or text to speech help low-literates or people who are not yet fluent in Dutch to easily discover the activities and offerings.

Whether that activity is big or small: no distinction is made between them. The overview of these activities continues to be refreshed. As a result, you will see new activities every time you visit the website. In addition to the 5 sub-labels, all activities also focus on themes such as help with money care, exercise and coaching.
The coherence between different locations, underlying themes and label structure builds on this: it creates an accessible and recognisable experience that helps people find out about activities they didn't know about. Visitors discover new things, but the design also helps people find the right support.
save continuity and time by automating
Not all activities are one-offs. Some take weeks, or are part of a series. That requires a lot of manual maintenance, provided you don't do anything about it, of course. That's why we set up the CMS in such a way that activities with different formats, such as a one-off, series or recurring activity, are dynamically loaded from our design system.
This cycle of activities repeats every month, which is why new activities are automatically uploaded, recurring activities are updated, and one-off activities are removed. States that indicate that an activity is full or new help people navigate through the activities easily.
This way, Welzijn Diemen saves time and they don't have to take all pages of past activities offline either. After all, that's not very good for your SEO.

building recognition by giving partners, key figures and participants a face
Various people carry out the mission of the foundation. That's why partner organizations, key figures from the various neighborhoods and participants play an important part in presenting the activities to reach more participants.
In addition to participating in activities, it is also important that input is collected from participants. First of all, to ensure that the offer continues to meet the wishes and needs of the participants, but also to share stories such as street interviews or shorts of activities that stimulate others.
more well-being in Diemen

“Our labels, projects and activities are very well presented. It's so easy to see what we're organizing makes us feel proud.”

wellbeing for all people from Diemen
Welzijn Diemen supports Diemenaren in a positive and accessible way, using everyone's strengths, talents and opportunities. The activities and services are aimed at promoting the physical and mental well-being of Diemenaren.
nice contributors